Saturday, November 10, 2012

Writing Prompt #145: Bad Parable

Someone is trying to use a story to teach something, but it goes wrong.

Ways stories typically go wrong:

- Unintended moral.
- Moral that sounds really terrible said out loud.
- Incredibly morbid subject matter (like the removal of organs)
- Making the consequences of the story so insane that you will terrify the child forever (like the removal of organs)
- Trying to fix the terrible ending but negating your moral. ("And that's why it's okay to remove organs!")

Things that make these stories a lot more entertaining:

- Poetic details that make it very clear exactly who your dad is talking about.
- Heavy use of fantasy and lots of "Once upon a Time."
- Organs. Actually, pretty much all of the horrible stuff from before. It only makes the story better.

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