Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Writing Prompt #245: A Difference of Opinion

Two parents respond to the same issue in entirely different ways.

The cliche approach would be "Yes, you can," and "No, you can't," but why not challenge yourself? Why not let the character go to two people for advice, and get really different responses?

I have a weird reminder to add here: Parents are super invested in their kids. Sometimes this means that they freak out and stress and before you get a chance to deal with whatever you brought to them, WHOOOOSH!! there are all these feelings and issues that seem unrelated or even offensive spewed all over the table. And before you know it, you came with a question about one, simple, tiny thing and you are receiving a hysterical lecture on the disintegration of society and your own inevitable doom.

Because yes, you have feelings and questions and stuff to work through, and so do they.

Parents have feelings too. And sometimes, they're bigger and scarier than the kids' are.

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