Sunday, March 10, 2013

Writing Prompt #266: Command Voice

It doesn't matter that I already have a rapport with the players. It doesn't matter how long I've earned my street-cred. When I stand in front of the ShamRooks chess team, my posture, my movements, my eye-contact have to be the highest level I can make them. I don't walk. I float. I don't speak. I command. I don't look at people. It doesn't matter if I'm exhausted and ready to faint from blood sugar issues; every piece of my performance is targeted to motivate my players and to reassure them that I know what I'm doing.

Command positions require stepping into a role to be what people need. Write a character who steps into a role and has to be more than he is. Is this role a new one? Is it one he takes regularly? Show us the difference.

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