Saturday, November 23, 2013

Writing Prompt #439: Goading Atlas

Someone really, really tired is given a task to accomplish.

When a man is exhausted, when he's hungry, when he needs comfort and rest and sustenance, and instead he's given indifference and orders and delays and not the food or rest he'd expected at all, that's when you see the strength of his soul. That's when you find what kind of mettle he is.

God bless heroes.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Writing Prompt #438: Permission

Someone gives someone permission to do something small and mundane.

Ask a question? Stir their tea? Change to a different chair?

Is this a power move, or an increase in intimacy, or someone being clueless?

Why does the recipient feel like they need permission? Or do they care about the permission given at all?

Monday, November 11, 2013

Writing Prompt #436: Childifying

Yesterday, a little boy saw me troubled and asked me what was wrong. He was small, and sincere, and not old enough to have learned to be awkward when people are sad. So I told him.

"All the grown-ups in my life are giving me advice, and I want them to be wrong, because their advice sounds like it'll hurt. But grown-ups are so smart, and they're usually right, you know?"

My problem, broken down to seven-year-old level, seemed a whole lot easier to deal with.

Make your character explain their problems to a child.

Maybe, like me, they'll get some adorable advice to fix everything.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Writing Prompt #433: Genre Switch

My little sister challenged me in this today. Pick a big story that you really like, and COMPLETELY change the genre.

What's The Hobbit without the fantasy element? What's Alien as a middle school drama?

Have fun.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Writing Prompt #432: Surprise! You won.

Someone receives a trophy unexpectedly.

Employee of the month? Teacher of the year? You won the baseball thing because the other team got chicken pox?

What do you do with it?

Have fun.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Writing Prompt # 431: "I am Going to Change."

Someone in a relationship is going to undergo an experience that is going to change them.  Now, before this happens, the people talk about the change.

What kinds of things do we know will change us? Military service? Brain surgery? Marriage?

What kinds of relationships do people have where a dramatic change will effect all parties? Familial relationships? Friendships? Romance?

I know what I do in these conversations. I search for what won't change. I reach for solid points to anchor myself to. Sometimes I imagine the worst and try to think how I'll survive. But mostly, I hope, and I pray, and I trust.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Writing Prompt #430: Repentance and Removal

Me: "Dude, you messed up one time."
Friend: "Yeah, but it was wrong. Wasn't it?"

Me: "...yes."

Friend: "It was wrong. And I hurt you."

Me: "...yeah."

I didn't know what to say.

It made me really think about why I'd forgiven my friend. In his mind, he had this badge of failure because of his wrong. In my mind, I'd dismissed the mistake as non-relevant, and he was just as shiny and clean as if nothing had been done. Was I discounting evil? Was he ignoring repentance?

With the bloody sacrifice of Jesus, with the promise of making my friend something new, can we acknowledge what was wrong and still see the past as dead to him?
I'm giving you a challenge:

1) A character in your story has done something that is really, actually bad. Like, evil-bad. They knew it was wrong, they did it, and people got hurt.

2) Without pretending that the bad thing is okay, someone forgives the character.

3) Why?

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Writing Prompt #429: Vulnerability

Your character has a place where he or she is safe to be vulnerable. How are they different here from their usual persona?

Hint: This could be a location, a person, or an activity.

Writing Prompt #428: Drop it like it's Hot

Someone must change a plan because of the weather.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Writing Prompt #427: Back for More

Someone takes a beating and comes back again.

(No, this blog is not every day right now. No, it might not be every day for sometime. Why not let it be a beautiful surprise?)