Thursday, January 30, 2014

Writing Prompt #444: Waiting

Right now, I'm waiting for something that I really, really want. Like, I've never gotten to want anything like this before, EVER. And it's going to be a long, looooong time.

How can you find adventure in the waiting?

How can you find purpose in standing still when you want to move forward?

Sometimes, true love waits an awful long time. Write about a character who waits heroically.
(And if you've got any tips for a waiter like me, let me know in the comments below. ;) )

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Writing Prompt #443: Knocking on Windows

When something scary happens, sometimes it takes a while to get over it.

After a tornado hit my family's house, my sister and I would turn on the ceiling fan and count off how long we could stand the sound before we turned it off, just trying to get back to normal again.

I'm challenging you to write a character who is made nervous by something irrational, because of something that happened.

Is it a fear of flashlights or knocks on car windows (I relate!)? Is it nervousness about a particular location, or sound, or word?

Make him or her work around it for some really good reason.

I'm totally chill with ceiling fans now. I hope all your fears go away the same way. It feels good to not have to be brave.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Writing Prompt #442: Re-engaged

Someone picks up an activity that they haven't done in a long time.

Hello. I'm busy. I'm maybe a little broken. But I'm back, for now.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Writing Prompt #441: twenty-three dollars short

Today I got to do something I'm really bad at: I got to forgive myself for a mistake.

That's really hard for me. It's easy to remember that other people are worth more than their stumbles. It's easy to remember that they can overcome their hurdles and I can love them through no matter what.

But today I was twenty-three dollars short after a mistake that I had made before and I wondered if maybe I wasn't good enough to do my job, if maybe I should quit, if maybe I wasn't qualified to even drive my car and I should stay huddled in my room where I couldn't mess anything up for anybody else.

Today I had to find reasons to believe I was worth forgiving and continuing to believe in, and I found Bible verses.

I'm challenging you to write about a character who has made a mistake. How does he forgive himself? How does she move forward?